- Image
Use alt tag for images.This gives information about image to search engine.
- Xml Sitemap Create Xml Sitemap for Google crawler
- Social Media Add social bookmark website button.If visitors like your site content.They can Bookmark your site
- Use 301 Use 301 redirection to redirect http://www.domainname.com to http://domainname.com
- .htaccess Use .htaccess file to make dynamic website into static looking website which is easy to crawl.
- Validate Validate your template and post html,css,xml etc.
- Css Use css as much as you can.it reduces page loading time,means speedy loading of webpage.
- Navigation System Use css in navigation system instead of javascript.Since,most search engines don't like javascript.As far as possible use text page navigation instead of graphical.
- Keyword Optimize each page for two or three keywords.Make sure webpage should have 2-6 percent keywords.
- Mega Tag Add mega tags to <head> since,they are still used by many search engines.
- Title Make sure page title conains keyword and give an idea what is post all about.
- InBound Linking Link Pages with one another to have better search engine ranking.
- Subscription Form Attach subscription form to every webpage to increase your mailing list and returning visitors
- Rss Feed Always provide rss feed so that visitors get information what is new added in the website
- Content Length Content of each webpage should be more than 300 words and less than 550 words.
- Videos and imagesUse videos related to your website topic.Make sure to use alt tag in case of image
- DomainHave a domain which is related to your website topic and is short,attractive and easy to learn.
- ParagraphInstead of continous text, break the content into paragraphs.This will make the text easy to read and attractive
- WebhostingBuy Country level webhosting and domain name if you are focusing local audience only.Say only people from India, or America
- Contact USAlways provide the facility to contact you.This helps in getting complaints,suggestions and advertisment order also.Provide link to contact us in every webpage.
- LinksPut keywords in links
- Robots.txtMake a validated robots.txt to let crawler know what to index and what not.
- FlashTry not to add flash.As it is not properly readable by crawler.If you have a website with excessive flash .Your site will take more time to load and also not readable to crawler which means no or less ranking.
- TemplateHave a template which is unique,attractive and loads in less time.
- <b><i><strong><big>Use <b><i><strong><big> in content to draw the attention of the visitors. Make sure you have used the above tags with keywords.But don't overuse it
- <H1>
Use <H1> and put keyword in it.don't use <H1> more than two times on one webpage.This is the best onpage optimization
If you think i missed out something then please mention it.
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